Deeper Meaning behind the symbol of Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered and loved Hindu Gods. He is also one of the most commonly associated symbols of Hinduism, besides His (Hindu deity) father Shiva. Legends say that Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva, the destroyer in the Holy Trinity of Gods and Goddess Parvati, one of the many incarnations of Goddess Shakti. 

1.       When you look at a picture of Lord Ghanapathy, You may see a charming, slightly comical elephant-headed God that you have been told to pray to first, before you start anything new. You may know that he is the remover of obstacles, and you may even know many of the puranic stories associated with him. But look closer and you will find a deeper meaning behind the symbols that are in front of you.

2.       2. The rat, his vahana or vehicle, represents the lowest form of animal; His elephant-head represents the highest form of animal; having also the body of a man shows that he is Ganesha, the Lord of all beings. His large ears and head indicate that he has gained wisdom through listening and reflecting on the eternal truths of the vedas.

3.       The elephant’s trunk is one of the few instruments in nature that can perform both gross and subtle actions – it can uproot a huge tree as well as pick up the tiniest of needles. It signifies the need for us to be able to develop our intellect, our powers of discrimination, in both the gross or material world and also in the subtle or spiritual world.

4.       In His right hand he holds a hook or Ankusa and in His left hand he holds a noose or Paasa. These tools are used back home by elephant-trainers to tame wild elephants. Symbolically, the mind is like a wild elephant, running from here to there, in chaos. So we must use the ankusa to tame and control our mind and then use the noose to tie it down and keep it close to us– only then can we concentrate, contemplate and meditate.

5.       In another hand He holds a dish of Mothakham. This sweet with it’s hard outer shell signifies the reward of the sweetness of knowledge that will give the spiritual seeker joy, satisfaction and contentment as he travels along the path of enlightenment.

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